Shimmering like ground mother-of-pearl, these luminous granules are a far cry from industrially processed sugar. While it can be used in baking, we prefer these large crystals as a rolling or finishing sugar.
Organic dried cane sugar is just that. Sugar. But we’d like you to do a taste test. Lick your finger and dab a bit of store bought cane sugar. It probably tastes sweet, right? Nothing else. Now do the same with this sugar.
Sweet and sugary, but the flavor is floral and richer. It’s like tasting iodized salt next to fleur de sel. There’s just no contest.
You can use this organic unrefined cane sugar in place of regular sugar, but the coarse grain makes it preferable as a finishing or sanding sugar to top a cake with or roll a log of sugar cookie dough in.
Ready to add to any recipe as directed, as no preparation is required.
Recommended Applications
This product is great to use for sweetening beverages such as coffee or hot tea, in cooking and baking. Use in any recipe where a healthier and sweeter flavor is desired.
Product Style
Handling / Storage
Store in cool, dry place.
Shelf Life
3 years
Country of Origin
United States
Dietary Preferences
All Natural, Gluten-Free, Kosher Parve, Non-GMO, Organic
Allergen Information
None Specified
What Everyone is Saying About Cane Syrup, Dried (Organic)
product Syrup, Dried (Organic) Ingredients/Sweeteners & Sugars/Baking Ingredients/Sweeteners & Sugars/Sugars/Baking Ingredients/Baking Ingredients/Sugars & Sweeteners<p>Shimmering like ground mother-of-pearl, these luminous granules are a far cry from industrially processed sugar. While it can be used in baking, we prefer these large crystals as a rolling or finishing sugar.</p> <p>Organic dried cane sugar is just that. Sugar. But we’d like you to do a taste test. Lick your finger and dab a bit of store bought cane sugar. It probably tastes sweet, right? Nothing else. Now do the same with this sugar.</p>
<p>Sweet and sugary, but the flavor is floral and richer. It’s like tasting iodized salt next to fleur de sel. There’s just no contest. </p>
<p>You can use this organic unrefined cane sugar in place of regular sugar, but the coarse grain makes it preferable as a finishing or sanding sugar to top a cake with or roll a log of sugar cookie dough in.</p>
SpiceJungle251127Cane Sugar, Dried (Organic) - 1 oz. Bag6.116.11 oz.1128Cane Sugar, Dried (Organic) - 4 oz. Bag8.178.17 oz.3515Cane Sugar, Dried (Organic) - 16 oz.15.8615.86 lb.5527Cane Syrup, Dried (Organic)29.3229.32 raw cane sugarReady to add to any recipe as directed, as no preparation is required.This product is great to use for sweetening beverages such as coffee or hot tea, in cooking and baking. Use in any recipe where a healthier and sweeter flavor is desired.GranulatedStore in cool, dry place.3 yearsAll Natural, Gluten-Free, Kosher Parve, Non-GMO, OrganicNone Specified